
What dietary restrictions is Ka'Chava compatible with?

Our superfood blends are proudly non-GMO, dairy-free, soy-free, and verified NSF gluten-free. We're also free from stevia, added preservatives, and artificial flavors and sweeteners.

We're certified vegan, certified kosher, and certified Halal.

For those with diabetes, Ka'Chava may be a great source of nutrition as a part of a balanced diet. Each serving of Ka’Chava contains just 4 grams of sugar, primarily from organic coconut nectar, which we’ve chosen specifically because it’s low glycemic—meaning it’s less likely to impact blood glucose (a.k.a. blood sugar) levels.

Ka’Chava also contains nutrients that help you maintain balanced blood sugar, including 25 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber. Keep in mind that the appropriate diabetes-friendly diet can vary. Check Ka’Chava’s nutrition label to see if it meets your individual needs, and if you’re unsure, check with your doctor.

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